JoinTeK: Linking Precision, Backed by Comprehensive Testing.

Test equipment constitutes Join Tek’s paramount investment, rendering our team a dependable laboratory for meticulous inspections, tests, and the delivery of impeccable end products to our clientele. Furthermore, our adept laboratory personnel adeptly attend to every facet of customer requirements, maintaining elevated standards. “No quality, no product.”
Test Equipment List
No. | 測試儀器 | Test Equipment List | No. | 測試儀器 | Test Equipment List | No. | 測試儀器 | Test Equipment List | No. | 測試儀器 | Test Equipment List |
1 | 投影機 | Projector | 11 | 温湿度计 | thermometer | 21 | 显微镜 | microscope | 31 | 泄漏检测仪 | Leakage detector |
2 | AK-10推拉力計 | AK-10 push tensorometer | 12 | 线材摇摆试验机 | Wire swing test machine | 22 | 激光尘埃粒子计数器 | Laser Dust particles counter | 32 | 数显推拉力计 | Digest |
3 | 2D影像测绘仪 | 2D image surveying mapping | 13 | 直流稳压电源 | DC stabilization power supply | 23 | 烙铁咀温度计 | Thermometer thermometer | 33 | 锡炉温度测试仪 | Tin furnace temperature tester |
4 | 带表卡尺 | Gauge | 14 | 多路温度测试仪 | Multi -road temperature tester | 24 | 正压气密测漏机 | Positive pressure omitage leakage machine | 34 | 泄漏检测仪 | Leakage detector |
5 | 耐压测试机 | Pressure -resistant test machine | 15 | 精密线材测试机 | Precision wire testing machine | 25 | 恒温恒湿试验箱 | Constant temperature and humidity test box | 35 | 泄漏检测仪 | Leakage detector |
6 | 直流低电阻测试仪 | DC low resistance tester | 16 | 精密线材测试机 | Precision wire testing machine | 26 | 千分尺(0~25mm) | Thousand points (0 ~ 25mm) | 36 | 开关式标准直流电源 | Switch standard DC power supply |
7 | 绝缘电阻测试仪 | Insulation Resistance Tester | 17 | 精密线材测试机 | Precision wire testing machine | 27 | 全自动插拔力试验机 | Fully automatic plug -in test machine | 37 | 盐雾试验机 | Salt spray test machine |
8 | 电子台秤(150kg) | Electronic table scale (150kg) | 18 | 精密线材测试机 | Precision wire testing machine | 28 | 端子截面分析仪 | Terminal section analyzer | |||
9 | 鼓风干燥试验箱 | Drum drying test box | 19 | 電子秤(7.5kg) | Electronic scale (7.5kg) | 29 | 能量色散X荧光光谱仪(XRF) | Energy Sanxian X fluorescent spectrometer (XRF) | |||
10 | 电子天平(2kg) | Electronic balance (2KG) | 20 | 显微镜 | microscope | 30 | 泄漏检测仪 | Leakage detector |
Test Equipment Images